Collection Services

What is CollectNow?

How It works

24/7 client view access to review your accounts, report payments, view statistical reports, and electronically sign legal assignments.

We make effective professional telephone calls.

Consumers are asked qualified questions to determine what the eventual collection probability will be and where the account will be finalized.

All collectors are trained in the art of skip tracing. The ideal outcome is payment in full, but sometimes it may require legal action to get there.

We return the most net dollars back to our clients.

Why Hire Us

We are committed to providing you the best accounts receivable collections services available. You can be assured that our team has the experience and capability to collect on all of your outstanding debts.

When an account is placed in direct action, our professional collection staff will take the necessary steps to collect on your accounts. Effective professional telephone calls are made to the consumer to arrange payment in full.

Don’t hesitate, get started with Medical Billing Assist today.

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